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Impact is indicated by long term change in the lives of real people. At GRI we measure success by our contributions to positive change for women, marginalized groups, and society as a whole in the medium and long term. While equitable participation is essential, sustainable integration of gender and social inclusion requires systems thinking and careful analysis for behavioral change. GRI gets to impact by putting people first, taking the time to understand their reality, and tackling the complexity of stereotypes and prejudice in institutions, society, and hearts and minds.

GRI facilitates learning and develops monitoring and evaluation systems that go beyond surface level tracking of participants and outputs. Participatory approaches to MEL allow us to identify and analyze more nuanced views of how program activities contribute to positive long-term change. We think about whose learning counts and create mechanisms for measuring and capturing change from the point of view of program participants. Participants’ and partners’ views of significant change and impact are critical measures of success for GRI.

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